Salik Development Foundation

Salik Development Foundation

Peace, Development & Prosperity.


Appeal for Helpless girls (Dar ul Aman)

₨ 0 of ₨ 100,000 raised

Women Crises Centers – Dar-Ul Aman was established to provide shelter to the women
victims of violence. These women are deprived of most of the facilities of life.
Helping and Raising voices for the rights of Women is one of the main core areas of Salik
Development Foundation. In SDF self-help regular programs, SDF BOD has included Mardan Dar-ul-Aman for which SDF donates different items from time to time as per the needs of victimized women and especially their children.

The Helpless Women and their children at Darul Aman is looking for your donations.

Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

Account Title: Salik development Foundation-IDP

IBAN: PK29MUCB0176980571000530

Branch Code: 0310

Swift Code: MUCBPKKA

Branch: Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) Takht bhai

    Salik Development Foundation
    111 Not A Real St.
    Anytown, CA 12345

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: ₨ 500.00